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Odisha Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 Optional Paper – III | Law of Property

Candidates preparing for the Odisha Judicial Services Exam should solve the Odisha Judicial Services Mains 2018 Optional Paper – III (Law of Property) and other previous years’ question papers as part of their preparation for the Prelims and Mains. Practicing these papers helps aspirants understand the syllabus better and prepare strategically by focusing on the types of questions previously asked. Successful candidates are always aware of the question patterns and techniques employed by the Odisha Judiciary Examination. Every aspirant should adopt this approach at the start of their preparation to gain a comprehensive understanding of the examination pattern and question design.

Odisha Judicial Services Exam Mains 2018 Optional Paper- III | Law of Property

Practicing authentic question papers gives candidates a real sense of the exam pattern and question style. Below is the Odisha Judicial Services Mains 2018 Optional Paper – III | Law of Property. Strengthen your preparation with our Odisha Judiciary Mains Mock Test Series.

Odisha Judicial Services Main Written Examination 2018
Optional Paper-III (Law of Property)

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 150
Specific Instructions:
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate Marks.
Answer six questions, selecting three questions from each Section.
All questions carry equal marks


Question 1

(a) Define “Actionable Claim” and state the principles governing the transfer of an “actionable claim”. (10 Marks)

(b) Explain the “Rule against Perpetuity” with the help of illustrations and leading cases. (15 Marks)

Question 2

(a) Distinguish ‘Vested Interest” from “Contingent Interest”. (8 Marks)

(b) Examine the ‘Doctrine of Part Performance” pointing out the differences between Indian and English Laws. if any. (12+5=17 Marks)

Question 3

(a) What is meant by “CLOG ON REDEMPTION”? When is it valid? (6+7 = 13 Marks)

(b) What are the rights of seller and buyer of immovable property? (6+6 = 12 Marks)

Question 4

(a) How can a lease be determined? (10 Marks)

(b) (i) Define ‘Exchange’.

(ii) Gift under Mohammedan Law.

(iii) Modern Concept of ‘Property’. (5*3=15 Marks)


Question 5

(a) When does a Court grant the relief of “specific performance of contract”? (15 Marks)

(b) Examine the scope of Court’s discretion as to decreasing specific performance. (10 Marks)

Question 6

(a) Explain the meaning of “Possessing Remedies.” (10 Marks)

(b) Explain the scope of the remedy of recovering possession of property. (15 Marks)

Question 7

(a) Define “Injunction” and explain the different kinds of injunctions granted by Courts. (10 Marks)

(b) State when the remedy of injunction will be refused by Courts. (8 Marks)

(c) Examine whether injunction will be granted to perform a negative agreement. (7 Marks)

Question 8

(a) Explain the conditions to be fulfilled for getting the relief of ‘Rectification of Instruments”. (12 Marks)

(b) State when the Courts will refuse” Recission of Contract”? (13 Marks)


Question 9



Question 10

(a) “Period of Limitation once commences, never stops… Analyse. (13 Marks)

(b) State when the commencement of period of limitation stands postponed? (12 Marks)

Question 11

State the period of limitation in the following referring to the provisions of the Limitation Act: (5*5=25 Marks)

(a) Suits relating to contracts

(b) Suits relating to Accounts

(c) Suits relating to Mortgage

(d) Suits relating to Trust

(e) Suits relating to Declaration

Question 12

(a) Explain the principles governing exclusion of time in computing the period of limitation. (13 Marks)

(b) Examine the effect of Death before the accrual of the right to sue. (12 Marks)

Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams

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