Trends in Intellectual Property Journal is inviting submissions in the form of research papers, review papers, and case comments in all domains of intellectual property law for its upcoming Volume 3, Issue 1..
About the Journal
Trends in Intellectual Property Research (DOI: Prefix: 10.69971; ISSN: 3007-8539 [Online], 3007-8520 [Print]) invites research papers, review papers and case comments in all domains of intellectual property (IP) law. This includes, but is not limited to, topics related to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, industrial design, internet law, privacy, unfair competition, antitrust and IP rights, and issues like parallel imports and copyright exhaustion doctrines. The journal follows a peer-reviewed process for all articles (except editorials).
We welcome research studies that focus on IP law in its various forms, encompassing international, comparative, and multidisciplinary approaches.
Submission Guidelines
We request authors to follow the manuscript preparation template for submissions. The following sequence is required for all articles:
1. Title:
Max length: 40 words. Include author names, affiliations, and corresponding author’s email.
2. Abstract:
Max length: 350 words. Clear, concise, and descriptive, providing a brief introduction to the problem, objective, methodology, and summary of results.
3. Keywords:
List at five keywords, separated by semicolons.
4. Introduction:
Outline the issue to be discussed, followed by the significance of the research and the research objectives.
5. Method:
For original research only. Descriptive methodology section outlining how the research was conducted (optional for review articles).
6. Analysis and Discussion:
The most critical section, providing clear and concise analysis of the research findings.
7. Conclusion
Summarize the research’s contribution, answering the objectives without repeating the abstract.
8. References
Follow the APA style. References should be alphabetically arranged and cited only from items the author has read. Use tools like EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero for proper citation management.
Submission Process
Step 1: Choose the appropriate section for your article: Original Research or Review Article. Step 2: Upload your manuscript file. Step 3: Enter the manuscript’s metadata (title, abstract, keywords, author details). Step 4: Upload supplementary files (if any), including Covering/Submission Letter. Step 5: Review all submitted files and confirm submission.
After submission, you will receive an email confirmation, and you can track your manuscript’s progress through the editorial process on the journal’s online submission platform.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: Rolling basis.
Email for Submission:
For Queries:
For further details, please visit the journal’s website: Trends in Intellectual Property Research: