If builder/promoter procrastinate in registering
the Co-operative Housing Society, then in that case, the application for
registration of society be submitted in Form 6 (Rule 12) before the authorized
officer (District Dy. Registrar in the respective district, who have given
power under Section 10(1) of the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act 1963 (For
making regulation for encouraging their constructions, their sale, management
and transfer).
While submitting the said proposal, following
documents are Necessary.
- 7/12 extract of the land or property card.
- Competent Authority Certificate regarding
non-Agricultural land. - Order regarding applicable/non-applicable Land
ceiling Act Map of the construction approved by the competent authority. - Letter of given permission for construction.
- Completion certificate of Construction.
- Development Agreement if the land is taken for
development. - Power of Authority letter of the Land.
- Copy of the Title search Report.
- Agreement copy of the flat purchased.
- Architect certificate regarding construction.
- List of the Members.
- Scheme of the Society.
- Application regarding reservation of Name.
- Minimum 10 Members shall necessary for the
registration of the Society. - Application for registration of Society (A
Form) - Table containing information of the society (B
Form) - Table containing information of the members (C
Form) - Statement of Accounts of the members (D Form)
- Notarized guarantee letter of the chief
promoter of society on the stamp paper of Rs. 100/- - Notarized Indemnity Bond of the members who
applied for the registration of society on the stamp paper of Rs. 200/- - Affidavit of the Members (Minimum 10
promoters’ Affidavit) - Two copies of bye laws approved by the
Commissioner, Co-operation and Registrar, Maharashtra State, Pune. - Bank balance statement of the promoter members
who have deposited Rs.500/- each as a share and admission fee Rs.100/- in
District - Central Co-operative Bank after getting
sanction for the reservation of name in district of Rs.2500/- paid as
society Registration fee in the Government Treasure.
The proposal submitted after fulfillment of above
mentioned documents, the competent authority by taking hearing, issued orders
to the concerned officer for registering the society.
The scrutiny of the registration proposal submitted after fulfillment of
documents as mentioned above and criterion will be done after taking into
consideration the instructions in the circular/ directives regarding
registration issued by the Government/ Commissioner, Co-operation. It is
obligatory on the concerned Registrar to make registration by considering
various provisions in the Act and Rules and instructions given in the
circular/ directives.