Candidates preparing for M.P. Judicial Services should solve the M.P.(Madhya Pradesh) Judicial Services Mains 2021 Paper-II and other previous year question papers before they face Prelims and Mains.
Additionally, it gives an idea about the syllabus and the way to prepare the subjects by keeping the previous year’s questions in mind. All toppers are mindful and cognizant of the types of questions asked by the MPCJ, to be aware of the various different tricks and types of questions. This should be done by every aspirant when starting their preparation. It is very important to have an overall understanding of the pattern and design of questions.
Only practising the authentic question papers will give you a real feel of the pattern and style of the questions. Here’s Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services Mains 2021 Previous Year Paper (Article and Summary Writing).
M.P. Judicial Services (Civil Judge) MainsExamination 2021
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Question 1
Write an article in Hindi or English on any one of the following social topics: [20 Marks]
(i) Water scarcity in India.
(ii) Clean India – Challenges and Remedies
Question 2
Write an article in Hindi or English on any one of the following legal topics:- [20 Marks]
(i) Marital rape and its criminality in India.
(ii) Mediation- New hope towards inexpensive and speedy dispute resolution.
Question 3
Summarize any one of the following English /Hindi passage- [20 Marks]
It is a fact that unauthorised constructions are mushrooming in cities every day. In number of suits filed and pending against Municipal Corporations or Government bodies restricting the authorities from removing the unauthorised construction, interim reliefs continue for years, may be because in some cases the authorities do not file written statements or reply promptly or they do not move to the Court for vacating the interim reliefs. Fact remains that unauthorised constructions are regularly put up and the interim reliefs continue without any hindrance. Such order are having the effect of allowing the plaintiff to enjoy the fruits of his illegal actions including unauthorised construction. The result is that implementation of law suffers. This also tends to vacillate the faith of public at large in the justice delivery system and clearly undermines the Rule of Law. The Hon’ble Apex Court has deprecated the practice of continuation of interim relief without any hindrance for years together in Asian Resurfacing of Road Agency v. Central Bureau of Investigation, AIR 2018 SC 2039 wherein It has been held that, “In cases where stay is granted in future the same will end on expiry of six months from the date of such order unless similar extension is granted by speaking order. The speaking order must show that the case was of such exceptional nature that continuing the stay was more important than having the trial finalized. Whatever stay has been granted by any Court including the High Court automatically expires within a period of six months, and unless extension is granted for good reason, within the next six months, trial court is, on the expiry of the first period of six months, to set date for the trial and go ahead with the same.”
Issuance of an injunction is a discretionary and an equitable relief. It is not mandatory that such relief should be granted upon merely asking. It is not a charity at the cost of public interest. The stay order or interim injunction in case of unauthorised construction affects the society as a whole and administration of Municipal Corporations. Time and again the Hon’ble Apex Court has emphasized that “no compromise should be made with the town planning scheme and no relief should be given to the violator of the town planning scheme, etc., on the ground that he has spent substantial amount on the construction of the buildings. The Courts must see that the violators of law are not liberally be allowed to take protection of Court of law by obtaining ad interim injunctions which have the effect of continuing such violation resulting in infringement of right to life enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution of India.
In suits filed and pending against Municipal Corporations or Government bodies restricting the authorities from removing the unauthorised construction, the Court should first consider whether the suit itself could be entertained on the basis of averments in the plaint. It is needless to say that the procedure established by law has to be followed by the public authorities, whether it be the State or a local body, including the Municipal Corporations. But at the same time, the procedural lapses, unintentional or intentional, which do not seriously affect the substantive rights of a person, ought not to result in ad interim orders which protect illegality having already been committed by the plaintiff and to give licence of continuing fruits of such illegality for years.
Question 4
Translate the following 20 Sentences into English: [20 Marks]
(1) वह सम्पत्ति जिसको कुर्क करने का आदेश दिया गया है. ऋण या अन्य जगम सम्पत्ति हो, तो उसकी कुर्की अभिग्रहण द्वारा की जायेगी।
(2) कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी अपराध के लिए किसी दण्ड न्यायालय के समक्ष अभियुक्त है प्रतिरक्षा के लिए सक्षम साक्षी होगा।
(3) “न्यायालय” शब्द के अंतर्गत सभी न्यायाधीश और मजिस्ट्रेट तथा मध्यस्थों के सिवाय साक्ष्य लेने के लिए वैध रूप से प्राधिकृत सभी व्यक्ति आते हैं।
(4) ऐसा क्या किया जाये कि यूक्रेन रूस का युद्ध रोका जा सके ?
(5) प्रकृति प्रदत्ता संसाधनों के दुरुपयोग एवं अतिउपयोग के परिणामस्वरूप ही आज हम बर्बादी की कगार पर है।
(6) सम्पत्ति में का ऐसा हित, जो उपभोग में स्वयं स्वामी तक ही निर्बन्धित है. उसके द्वारा अन्तरित नहीं किया जा सकता।
(7) जहां तक हमारे अधिकारों का सवाल है, वे प्रजातंत्र में पूर्णतः संरक्षित हैं।
(8) वसीयत से अभिप्रेत है, वसीयतकर्ता की उसकी सम्पत्ति की बाबत् विधिक घोषणा जो उसकी मृत्यु के पश्चात् प्रभाव में ली जाने के लिये वांछित है।
(9) न्यायिकेत्तर संस्वीकृति, एक कमजोर प्रकार का साक्ष्य है और संपोषक साक्ष्य के अभाव में उस पर विश्वास नहीं किया जाना चाहिये।
(10) प्रत्येक बाल-विवाह, जो चाहे इस अधिनियम के प्रारंभ के पूर्व या पश्चात् अनुष्ठापित किया गया हो, विवाह बंधन में आने वाले ऐसे पक्षकार के. जो विवाह के समय बालक था विकल्य पर शून्यकरणीय होगा।
(11) निर्धन व्यक्ति के रूप में बाद लाने की अनुज्ञा के लिये आवेदन और निर्धनता की जांच करने के खर्च याद के खर्च होगे।
(12) न्यायालय, निर्णीत ऋणी के शरीर और संपत्ति के विरुद्ध एक साथ निष्पादन करने से इंकार स्वविवेकानुसार कर सकेंगा।
(13) आवेदन किये जाने पर मजिस्ट्रेट यह निर्देश देते हुये गिरफ्तारी वारंट जारी कर सकेगा कि ऐसे छोड़े गये व्यक्ति को उसके समक्ष लाया जाये।
(14) कोई भी व्यक्ति दत्तक लिये जाने के योग्य न होगा, जब तक कि निम्नलिखित शर्त पूरी न हो।
(15) मध्यस्थ की नियुक्ति हेतु आवेदन प्रस्तुत करने की परिसीमा ऐसा आवेदन करने का अधिकार चयन होने के दिनाक से तीन वर्ष के अंदर की होगी।
(16) नीलामी-विक्रय को इसे प्रकाशित करने या सचालित करने में तालिक अनियमित्ता या पल केरा जा सकता है।
(17) वादी को आवश्यक पक्षकार के संयोजन का अवसर दिये बिना वाद आवश्यक पक्षकार के असयोजन के आधार पर खारिज नहीं किया जा सकता है।
(18) अपराध स्थल पर अपीलार्थीगण की उपस्थिति को साबित करने के लिए उनके विरुद्ध विधि-विज्ञानी साक्ष्य अपर्याप्त है।
(19) रामेश्वर सिंह अ.सा. 01 की निशानदेही पर पूछताछ किये जाने पर एक बुशर्ट, पेन्टस, टेरीकॉट का एक पेन्ट का टुकड़ा जो दुकान से चुरा लिया गया था. बरामद हुए थे।
(20) उपरोक्त के परिपेक्ष्य में इस बात से कोई इकार नहीं किया जा सकता कि परशुराम सिंह की मृत्यु दुर्घटनात्मक मृत्यु थी।
Question 5
Translate the following 20 Sentences into Hindi:- [20 Marks]
(1) Every suit instituted, appeal preferred, and application made after the prescribed period of limitation shall be dismissed although limitation has not been set up as a defence.
(2) A contract made by a trustee in excess of his powers or in breach of trust can not be specifically enforced.
(3) The opinion or report given by the expert shall form part of the record of the suit.
(4) All the constitutional authorities are supposed to be loyal to the duties discharged by them.
(5) The Appellate court enjoys the power to dismiss the appeal without notice to the Lower court.
(6) “Judgment- debtor” means any person against whom a decree has been passed or an order capable of execution has been made.
(7) Confessional statement of co-accused cannot by itself be taken as substantive piece of evidence against another co-accused.
(8) “Heir” means any person, male or female, who is entitled to succeed to the property of an intestate under this Act.
(9) A lunatic is not incompetent to testify unless he is prevented by his lunacy from understanding the questions put to him.
(10) A dishonest misappropriation for a time only is a misappropriation within the meaning of this section.
(11) While deciding the bail application on the basis of parity, the role of accused in offence is most important aspect.
(12) “Lawful increase” means an increase in rent permitted under the provisions of this act.
(13) There shall be only one class of tenure-holders of land held from the state to be known as Bhumiswami.
(14) As a bird cannot fly with one wing, similarly Nation can not rise leaving women behind.
(15) Dismissal of the suit by the trial court on the ground that it is barred by limitation is illegal and the same deserves to be restored.
(16) The testimony of police personnel should be treated in the same manner as testimony of any other witness.
(17) Magistrate should mention the reason that why he has no option but to dismiss the complaint.
(18) The plaintiff has filed the present suit for recovery of money based on promissory note executed by the defendant in his favour.
(19) It is not the case of accused that he either signed the cheque or parted with it under any threat or coercion.
(20) Concept of insurance for a motor vehicle is to cover risk in case of an accident.