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Hindu Law MCQs for Law Aspirants: Solved High-Quality MCQs for Judiciary Prelims

Hindu Law – Solved High-Quality MCQs for Judiciary Prelims

A ready compilation of 100 Hindu Law MCQs for ease and regularity of practice to enhance students’ general understanding of the subject and boost their preparation by familiarising them with questions similar to the exam pattern of popular law and judiciary exams.

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Q.1) Which of the following is not a source of ancient Hindu Law?

[A] Customs

[B] Smritis

[C] Digests

[D] Precedents

Q.2) Which of the following does not constitute a part of the Vedas?

[A] Samhitas

[B] Aryankas

[C] Vedangas

[D] Upanishads

Q.3) Aitereya Brahmana and Shankhayana Brahmana are parts of which of the following Veda?

[A] Yajur Veda

[B] Rig Veda

[C] Atharva Veda

[D] Sama Veda

Q.4) What is also known as the “First Testament” of mankind?

[A] Bhagavad Gita

[B] Mahabharata

[C] Rig Veda

[D] Upanishad

Q.5) How many hymns does Rig Veda contain?

[A] 1038

[B] 1028

[C] 2018

[D] 1082

Q.6) Which Veda contains knowledge of the magic formulas?

[A] Yajur Veda

[B] Atharva Veda

[C] Sama Veda

[D] Rig Veda

Q.7) Which of the following is not one of the four major divisions of the caste system?

[A] Brahamans

[B] Shudras

[C] Vaishnavas

[D] Kshatriyas

Q.8) According to Vedic Literature, the sacrifice of which primordial deity led to the creation of all life?

[A] Varuna

[B] Agni

[C] Soma

[D] Purusha

Q.9) Which of the following options contains the correct composition of Shruti Literature?

[A] Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas & Upanishads

[B] Vedas, Brahmanas, Vedangas & Upanishads

[C] Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, & Upveda

[D] Vedas, Vedangas Epics, & Upanishads

Q.10) Which of the following pair constitute the two main schools of Hindu Law?

[A] Mitakshara and Mithila

[B] Dayabhaga and Maharashtra

[C] Mitakshara and Dayabhaga

[D] Mithila and Benaras

Q.11) Which of the following is not a sub-school of Mitakshara school?

[A] Mithila

[B] Benaras

[C] Madras

[D] Assam

Q.12) In which of the following regions Dayabhaga School is followed: 1. Bengal, 2. Madras, 3. Assam, 4. Banaras?

[A] 1, 2 and 3

[B] 3 and 4

[C] 1 and 3

[D] 1, 2 and 4

Q.13) Which of the following authors wrote Mitakshara?

[A] Jimutvahan

[B] Vijnaneshwar

[C] Valmiki

[D] Vyasa

Q.14) What does the doctrine of “factum valet quod fieri non debuit” mean?

[A] It is a fraud to conceal a fraud

[B] What ought not to be done become valid when done

[C] Nobody can be judge in his case.

[D] Where there is a right, there is a remedy.

Q.15) Which school of Hindu Law formulated the concept of “factum valet quod fieri non debuit”?

[A] Dayabhaga

[B] Mitakshara

[C] Mithila

[D] Dravida

Q.16) Which of the following does not constitute the four ashrams described in the ancient texts?

[A] Brahmacharya

[B] Vanaprastha

[C] Grihastha

[D] Kriyacharya

Q.17) What are the main four types of customs?

[A] Local, Family, Caste & Community and Guild

[B] Local, International, National and Family

[C] Family, Caste & Community, International and National

[D] Family, Caste & Community, National and Guild

Q.18) Which of the following customs category is followed by traders?

[A] Local Customs

[B] Guild Customs

[C] Caste and Community Customs

[D] National Customs

Q.19) Which of the following constitute Dharamshastras: 1. Achara 2. Vyavahra 3. Prayaschita 4. Sanskara?

[A] All four

[B] 1, 2 and 3

[C] 2 and 3

[D] 1,2,4

Q.20) When does the right to ancestral property arise in Mitakshara school?

[A] Arises on birth

[B] On the death of the ancestor

[C] On the death of the last owner

[D] None of the above

Q.21) The  Hindu social system was based on the following:

[A] Varna and Jaati

[B] Religion

[C] Both

[D] None of the above

Q.22) Hindu law is: 1. Lex Loci 2. Not Lex Loci 3. Personal Law 4. Penal Law

[A] 1 and 3

[B] 2 and 3

[C] 1 and 4

[D] 2 and 4

Q.23) According to Dharmashastra, how many goals of human life are there?

[A] Three

[B] Six

[C] Four

[D] Two

Q.24) Which of the following follows prose style?

[A] Dharamshastras

[B] Dharamsutras

[C] Both

[D] None of the above

Q.25) Which Veda has two parts called Krishna and Shukla?

[A] Rig Veda

[B] Sama Veda

[C] Yajur Veda

[D] Atharva Veda

Q.26) Mitakshara is a commentary on:

[A] Manusmriti

[B] Naradasmriti

[C] Vishnusmriti

[D] Yajnavalkya smriti

Q.27) Under which Hindu law school does a father possess the absolute right to alienate property?

[A] Mitakshara and Mithila

[B] Dayabhaga and Maharashtra

[C] Both

[D] None of the above

Q.28) According to Mitakshara School, the members can dispose off their share in the undivided property. The above statement is:

[A] True

[B] False

[C] Only in certain conditions

[D] None

Q.29) Dharma Sutras and Dharma Shastras are parts of:

[A] Smritis

[B] Shrutis

[C] Commentaries

[D] None of the above

Q.30) The Mitakshara School follows the law of inheritance based on

[A] Principle of Proportionality

[B] Principle of Propinquity

[C] Principle of Superposition

[D] Principle of Abrogation

Q.31) HUF is the abbreviated form of:

[A] Hindu Undivided Family

[B] Hindu Unlimited Family

[C] Hindu Undivided Firm

[D] Hindu United Family

Q.32) Can a female be a member of the coparcenary under Mitakshara School?

[A] Yes

[B] No

[C] Sometimes

[D] Varies from region to region

Q.33) By which rule does the property after the death of a common ancestor devolve to the survivor?

[A] Rule of Survivorship

[B] Rule of Primogeniture

[C] Rule of Deceased

[D] Rule of Succession

Q.34) What is the head of the family known as in Hindu Law?

[A] Sarpanch

[B] Karta

[C] Mata

[D] Devta

Q.35) In which of the following cases, the Nagpur High Court held that a mother could become the Karta if there was no other adult coparcener?

[A] Pandurang Dahake v. Pandurang Gorle, 1947 AIR Nag 178

[B] Abhram v. Abhram

[C] Mann v. Jayani, 1918

[D] Commissioner of Income-tax v. Seth Govind Ram, 1986.

Q.36) Who wrote that “the classical Hindu law has the oldest pedigree of any known system of jurisprudence”?

[A] John Mayne

[B] Henry Maine

[C] Lord Macaulay

[D] Manu

Q.37) According to Hindu Law, what does Dharma mean?

[A] Duty and Ethics

[B] Eternal self

[C] Class

[D] Action

Q.38) What does the “Vanaprastha” ashram refer to?

[A] Celibate student stage

[B] Householder stage

[C] Hermit or Wilderness dweller stage

[D] Reununciation stage

Q.39) The process of reincarnation is known as:

[A] Moksha

[B] Samsara

[C] Bhakti

[D] Karma

Q.40) Lingayats, also called Virashaivas, are members of a Hindu sect with a wide following in southern India worship:

[A] Vishnu

[B] Shiva

[C] Brahma

[D] Ganesh

Q.41) Kshatriya was the class of people belonging to:

[A] Intellectuals and the priestly class

[B] commoners or merchants

[C] workers

[D] nobles or warriors

Q.42) From which language did the word “Hindu” originate?

[A] English

[B] Persian

[C] Urdu

[D] Latin

Q.43) Which of the following is not a requisite of a valid custom?

[A] Immemorial Antiquity

[B] Continuity

[C] Certainty

[D] Novel

Q.44) “Custom is the embodiment of those principles which have commended themselves to the national conscience as principles of justice and public utility.” This defintion of custom was given by:

[A] J.D. Mayne

[B] Salmond

[C] Austin

[D] Chanakya

[A] 1 and 3

[B] 2 and 3

[C] 1 and 2

[D] 3 and 4

Q.46) Which of the following rules was abandoned after the codification of Hindu Law?

[A] Rule of Propinquity

[B] Rule of Primogeniture

[C] Rule of Abrogation

[D] Rule of Survivorship

Q.47) What does the term “stridhan” mean?

[A] Dowry

[B] Woman’s property given to her by her father, mother, relatives etc.

[C] Woman’s property given to her by her husband

[D] None of the above

Q.48) In the ancient Hindu law, which three forms of Shastric marriages are recognised as regular and valid?

[A] Brahma Vivah

[B] Prajapatya Vivah

[C] Asura Vivah

[D] Rakasha Vivah

Q.49) What does Saptpadi mean?

[A] Formal promise to give the girl in marriage

[B] Actual giving away of the girl in marriage by her father

[C] Performing a ceremony of taking seven steps before the sacred fire by the bride and the groom

[D] None of the above

Q.50) Which of the following are the sources of Modern Hindu Law?

1. Precedents

2. Legislations

3. Justice, equity and good conscience

4. Customs

[A] All of the above

[B] 1,3, 4

[C] 1,2,3

[D] 1,2,4

Q.51) With whom does the control of a HUF lie?

[A] Every family member

[B] Karta

[C] Two eldest members

[D] Mithila and Benaras

Q.52) Can minors be a part of a HUF?

[A] Yes

[B] No

[C] Only in certain conditions

[D] Yes, but only for the enjoyment of benefits of the organisation

Q.53) In which school of Hindu law, both male and female members can be co-parceners in the Hindu Undivided Family?

[A] Mithila

[B] Dayabhaga

[C] Mitakshara

[D] Benaras

Q.54) The relationship of Sapinda in Dayabhaga arises according to:

[A] By means of Pinda

[B] Propinquity

[C] Survivorship

[D] Sapinda

Q.55) Sapinda relationship for Hindu Marriage Act includes

[A] Five degrees of ascent through mother and five degrees of ascent through father.

[B] Three degrees of ascent through mother and three degrees of ascent through father

[C] Three degrees of ascent through mother and five degree of ascent through father

[D] Five degrees of ascent through mother and seven degrees of ascent through father

Q.56) Agnates are the heirs

[A] Wholly related through Females

[B] Wholly related through males

[C] Both

[D] None of the above

Q.57) Who is the most prominent god of ‘Rigveda’?

[A] Agni

[B] Pashupati

[C] Indra

[D] Vishnu

Q.58) Which of the following philosophies was preached by Adi Sankara?

[A] Advaita

[B] Raja Yoga

[C] Snakhya Yoga

[D] Dvaita

Q.59) Which section of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 indicates that any custom or usage as part of Hindu law in force will cease to have effect after the enforcement of the Hindu Succession Act with respect to any matter for which provision is made in the Act?

[A] Section 6

[B] Section 4

[C] Section 10

[D] Section 3

Q.60) Who has no right to partition under the Mitakshara School of Hindu Law?

[A] Mother

[B] Son, Grandson, Great Grandson

[C] Son conceived at the time of partition

[D] None of the above

Q.61) Who wrote the Arthshastra?

[A] Kautilya

[B] Tulsidas

[C] Valmiki

[D] Jimutvahan

Q.62) Which of the following is not a commentary on Dharamshastras?

[A] Naradasmriti

[B] Manusmriti

[C] Yajnyavalkya Smirti

[D] Vedsmriti

Q.63) Who appears in the Vedas as the performer of the first sacrifice?

[A] Brahma

[B] Vishnu

[C] Manu

[D] Jimutvahan

Q.64) The Supreme Court in this case held that various sub sects of Hindus such as Swaminarayan, Satsangis, Arya Samaj are also Hindus by religion because they follow the same basic concept of Hindu philosophy. 

[A] Shastri v. Muldas SC AIR 1961

[B] Mohandas v. Dewaswan Board, AIR 1975

[C] Perumal v. Poonuswami AIR 1971

[D] Bhaurao Shankar Lokhande v. State Of Maharashtra, 1965 AIR 1564

Q.65) Four Hindu Code Bills does not include

[A] Hindu Marriage Act

[B] Hindu Succession Act

[C] Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act

[D] Hindow Widow Remarriage Act Web results Hindu Widow Remarriage Act

Q.66) Which of the following is a gift received by daughter-in-law out of love and affection by mother-in-law and father-in-law?

[A] Prtidatta

[B] Adhayagni

[C] Shulk

[D] Bandhu Datta

Q.67) According to Manu, a woman cannot hold property. The above statement is:

[A] false

[B] true

[C] Partly true

[D] None of the above

Q.68) Customs were known as:

[A] Achara

[B] Vyavarha

[C] Sanskara

[D] Dharma

Q.69) How many Puranas are there?

[A] Nineteen

[B] Eight

[C] Eighteen

[D] Sixteen

Q.70) Which of the following Vedic literature contains Gayatri Mantra?

[A] Sama Veda

[B] Atharva Veda

[C] Yajur Veda

[D] Rig Veda

Q.71) Which of the following Vedic literature refers to the ‘to sit near the feet of’?

[A] Vedangas

[B] Upanishads

[C] Aranyakas

[D] Brahamanas

Q.72) In early Vedic period, the Varna system was based on:

[A] Birth

[B] Talent

[C] Occupation

[D] Education

[A] To stand by things decided

[B] under judicial consideration

[C] matter already judged

[D] The thing speaks for itself

Q.74) The Hindu law applies to:

[A] To any person who is Sikh

[B] To any person who is Jain

[C] To any person who is a Lingayat

[D] All of the above

Q.75) Hindu law applies to following categories:

1. Hindus by birth and also to by conversion

2. Illegilimate children where father is a Christian and mother is a Hindu and children are brought up as Hindu

3. ambudri and Bharma Samaj

[A] 1 and 2

[B] Only 1

[C] 1, 2, 3

[D] 1 and 3

Q.76) In which of the following case, the constitutionality of Section 9 of Hindu Marriage Act was upheld by the Supreme Court of India?

[A] Saroj Rani v. Sudarshan Kumar, 1984

[B] T. Sareetha v. T. Venkatasubbaiah, 1983

[C] Suman Singh v. Sanjay Singh, 2017

[D] Harvinder Kaur v. Harminder Singh, 1983

Q.77) Under Ancient Hindu law, marriage is a:

[A] Sacrament

[B] Contract

[C] Both (a) & (b)

[D] Sacrosanct

Q.78) The Hindu Law Committee constituted in 1941 was headed by:

[A] B.R. Ambedkar

[B] B.N. Rau

[C] Jawaharlal Nehru

[D] M.K. Gandhi

Q.79) Where is custom defined as a rule which has been followed for a long time and has obtained the force of law among people of the Hindu community?

[A] Section 7 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

[B] Section 3 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

[C] Section 3 of Hindu Succession Act, 1956

[D] Section 7 of Hindu Succession Act, 1956

Q.80) Rules relating to sapinda relationship are based on:

[A] Principle of endogamy

[B] Principle of exogamy

[C] Principle of monogamy

[D] Principle of polygamy

Q.81) Smriti is a derivative secondary work and is considered less authoritative than Sruti in Hinduism. The above statement is

[A] TRUE; it is considered less authoritative

[B] FALSE; it is considered more authoritative

[C] FALSE; they both stand on equal footing

[D] none of the above

Q.82) In which case it was held that held that if a Hindu converts to Muslim and then has a second marriage, he can not do so, irrespective of the fact that polygamy is allowed in Islamic Law.

[A] Sitabai v. Ramchandra, 1970 AIR 343

[B] Jijabai v. Pathan Khan, 1971 AIR 315

[C] Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India, AIR 1995 SC 1531

[D] Shayara Bano v. Union of India, AIR 1985 SC 945

[A] Kusum v. State of U.P., 2016 SCC OnLine All 988

[B] Badri Prasad v. Director of Consolidation, AIR 1978 SC 1557

[C] Madan Mohan Singh v. Rajni Kant, (2010) 9 SCC 209

[D] Mohabbat Ali Khan v. Md. Ibrahim Khan, AIR 1929 PC 135

Q.84) In which of the following case, the Supreme Court of India emphasized that there was a great need to extend Section 2(f) which defines “domestic relationships” in the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005?

[A] Pragati Varghese vs. Cyril George Varghese, 1997(3) ALL MR 504

[B] Sulekha Bairagi v. Prof. Kamala Kanta Bairagi, AIR 1980 Cal 370

[C] Indra Sarma v. V.K.V. Sarma, (2013) 15 SCC 755

[D] Madan Mohan Singh v. Rajni Kant, (2010) 9 SCC 209

Q.85) Adultery by a Hindu husband is

[A] Ground of divorce only

[B] Not a ground for divorce

[C] Ground of judicial separation only

[D] Ground of divorce and judicial separation of the both

Q.86) According to ancient Hindu Law, how many kinds of marriages are there?

[A] Nineteen

[B] Seven

[C] Eight

[D] Five degrees of ascent through mother and seven degrees of ascent through father

[A] Each living beneficiary in a class of beneficiaries will receive an equal share

[B] All the living members of the identified group will receive an equal share if the beneficiaries are to share in a distribution per capita.

[C] Both A and B

[D] None of the above

Q.88) What was held by the Supreme Court in the case of Danamma v. Amar, 2018 (1) SCALE 657?

[A] A daughter becomes a coparcener by birth in the same manner as a son.

[B] Section 497 of the IPC was held to be unconstitutional

[C] Section 377 of the IPC was held to be unconstitutional

[D] Mother can be the natural guardian of a minor

Q.89) Which of the following is not correctly matched?

[A] Brahama Samaj – Reformist Movements

[B] Prarthana Samaj – Reformist Movements

[C] Aligarh Movement – Reformist Movements

[D] Arya Samaj – Reformist Movements

Q.90) How does one become a Hindu?

[A] By birth

[B] By conversion

[C] Both A and B

[D] None of the above

Q.91) Bigamy Laws do not apply to:

[A] Hindus

[B] Muslims

[C] Sikhs

[D] Buddhists

Q.92) Sharda Act deals with:

[A] Widow Remarriage

[B] Child Marriage

[C] Inter-caste Marriage

[D] Polygamy

Q.93) In traditional Hindu law, a female’s property was of how many types?

[A] Two

[B] Three

[C] One

[D] A woman did not have any

Q.94) What did the Laws of Manu establish?

[A] The four permissible goals of Hindu life.

[B] The division of Hindu society into different castes based on family lineage.

[C] The four stages of Hindu life.

[D] The stages of karma and the actions which influence them.

Q.95) Brahmins are the:

[A] priestly caste of Hindu society

[B] working caste of Hindu society

[C] servant caste of Hindu society

[D] untouchables

Q.96) Hindu kings and rulers were part of which caste:

[A] Brahmin

[B] Shudra

[C] Vaishya

[D] Kshatriya

Q.97) When did the Hindu Marriage Act come into force?

[A] 1995

[B] 1996

[C] 1997

[D] 1998

Q.98) When did the Hindu Succession Act come into force?

[A] 1995

[B] 1996

[C] 1997

[D] 1998

Q.99) Arya Samaj was founded by:

[A] Swami Vivekanand

[B] Dayanand Saraswati

[C] Rama Mohan Roy

[D] K.C. Sen

Q.100) Who drafted the Widow Remarriage Act, 1856?

[A] Lord Bentick

[B] Lord Dalhousie

[C] Rama Mohan Roy

[D] Lord Canning


Q.1) D

Q.2) C

Q.3) B

Q.4) C

Q.5) B

Q.6) B

Q.7) C

Q.8) D

Q.9) A

Q.10) C

Q.11) D

Q.12) C

Q.13) B

Q.14) B

Q.15) A

Q.16) D

Q.17) A

Q.18) B

Q.19) B

Q.20) A

Q.21) A

Q.22) B

Q.23) C

Q.24) B

Q.25) C

Q.26) D

Q.27) D

Q.28) B

Q.29) A

Q.30) B

Q.31) A

Q.32) B

Q.33) A

Q.34) B

Q.35) A

Q.36) A

Q.37) A

Q.38) C

Q.39) B

Q.40) B

Q.41) D

Q.42) B

Q.43) D

Q.44) B

Q.45) C

Q.46) B

Q.47) B

Q.48) A

Q.49) D

Q.50) B

Q.51) B

Q.52) D

Q.53) B

Q.54) A

Q.55) C

Q.56) B

Q.57) C

Q.58) A

Q.59) B

Q.60) A

Q.61) A

Q.62) D

Q.63) A

Q.64) A

Q.65) D

Q.66) A

Q.67) B

Q.68) A

Q.69) C

Q.70) D

Q.71) B

Q.72) C

Q.73) A

Q.74) D

Q.75) C

Q.76) A

Q.77) A

Q.78) B

Q.79) B

Q.80) B

Q.81) A

Q.82) C

Q.83) B

Q.84) C

Q.85) D

Q.86) C

Q.87) C

Q.88) A

Q.89) D

Q.90) C

Q.91) B

Q.92) B

Q.93) A

Q.94) A

Q.95) A

Q.96) D

Q.97) A

Q.98) B

Q.99) B

Q.100) B

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