Heritage Law College invites authors to contribute scholarly work on contemporary legal issues to the upcoming issue of the Journal of Heritage Law College.
Publishing Guidelines
Manuscripts meeting the quality and standards of the Journal of Heritage Law College will undergo review. The submitted manuscript should be original and created by the author(s). The manuscript should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere and has not been previously published in any other outlet. AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, should not be included as authors. Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification for publication in the Journal of Heritage Law College.
Types of Articles
The journal accepts submissions in contemporary legal issues from academicians, professionals, scholars, and students under the categories: Articles, Essays, Case Notes, Legislative Comments, and Book Reviews.
The preferred format for your manuscript is Microsoft Word (.docx).
The preferred maximum length for:
Abstract (250-300 words) Keywords (3-5) Articles (4000-5000 words) Essays (3000-4000 words) Case Notes(1000-2000 words) Legislative Comments (1000-2000 words) Book Review (1000-2000 words)
*The length includes footnotes.
Points to be remembered
Utilize ‘z’ spellings instead of ‘s’ spellings. For example, words ending with ‘-ise’, ‘isation’, etc., will be spelled with ‘z’ (e.g., ‘civilize’, ‘organize’,‘recognize’). Utilize ‘centre’ instead of ‘center’, ‘labour’ instead of ‘labor’ and ‘programme’ instead of ‘program’). Employ single quotes throughout the manuscript. Double quotes are only to be used within single quotes.
Submission Link
Submission Guidelines
1. Margin
2.54 cm from all sides
2. Title
Font: Times New Roman (Bold)Font size: 16 pts. Alignment: Centre
3. Abstract
Font: Times New Roman (Italics) Font size: 12 pts. Line spacing: 1 Alignment: Centre
4. Keywords
Font: Times New Roman (Italics) Font size: 12 pts. Alignment: Justified
5. Headings
Font: Times New Roman (Bold) Font size: 14 pts. Alignment: Left
6. Content
Font: Times New Roman Font size: 12 pts. Line spacing: 1.5 Alignment: Justified
7. Footnotes
Font: Times New Roman Font size: 10 pts Line Spacing: 1.0 Alignment: Justified
8. Reference Style
The citations must strictly conform to the Indian Law Institute (ILI) style of footnoting. The same is available at: https://www.ili.ac.in/cstyle.pdf No endnotes or speaking footnotes (descriptive footnotes) are allowed.
Submission Deadline
September 06, 2024.
Review Process
HLC Law Review adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy, ensuring the anonymity of both the reviewer and author throughout the evaluation process. This would ensure a greater standard of review and identification of qualityacademic writing. Feedback from the review process will be furnished to the authors, offering invaluable insights that can aid in refining the paper prior to its publication.
Acceptance and Publication
The Editorial Team will maintain communication with author(s) regarding the progress of your scholarly work throughout the process. Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail, and any necessary corrections should be promptly addressed directly or brought to our attention. Authors are urged to carefully review their proofs to verify the accuracy of all author information, including names, affiliations, sequence and contact details.
Authors will receive a copyright form upon acceptance of their contribution for publication. Submission will be considered final only upon receipt of the completed and signed copyright form. If there are two authors, the corresponding author must sign the copyright form.
Joydip Ghosal: joydeep.ghosal@hlc.edu.in.Prithwish Ganguli: prithwishganguli@gmail.com.
Important Links
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams