Centre for Infrastructure Laws & Centre for Law and Public Health under the School of Law & Public Policy, HNLU Raipur is proud to announce the One Day National Conference On Exploring India’s Infrastructure Landscape: Challenges, Opportunities, and The Road Ahead in a Hybrid mode.
About HNLU, Raipur
Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU), Raipur established in 2003 in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, is a prominent institution for legal education in India. Named after former Chief Justice of India, Justice Mohammad Hidayatullah, HNLU offers programs including undergraduate (B.A. LL.B.), postgraduate (LL.M.), and Ph.D. degrees in law. Known for its modern infrastructure and experienced faculty, the university focuses on providing a comprehensive legal education. The motto of HNLU, “Dharma Sansthapanartham,” meaning “for the sake of establishing the primacy of the laws of eternal values,” reflects its commitment to upholding justice and ethical principles. It actively participates in national and international moot courts, debates, and research initiatives.
About the Conference
India’s infrastructure is the backbone of its economic growth, social equity, and global competitiveness. With a growing population and rapid urbanization, the demand for improved infrastructure in transportation, energy, water, communication, and urban development is unprecedented. However, resource constraints, regulatory challenges, and environmental concerns often hinder progress, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable and innovative solutions. The urban-rural divide remains a significant concern. Rural areas lag in essential services such as sanitation, paved roads, and digital connectivity, affecting access to healthcare, education, and markets. While programme like PMGSY have improved rural connectivity, bridging the gap requires targeted investments, robust public-private partnerships, and a focus on inclusive development strategies.
Objectives of the Conference
The Conference aims to bring together legal experts, policymakers, industry leaders, academics, and other stakeholders to engage in discussions on the following key objectives:
To analyse the existing laws governing infrastructure development in sectors such as transport, energy, telecommunications, and urban development, and identify gaps or areas for reform. To examine the legal mechanisms and institutions involved in resolving disputes related to infrastructure projects, including arbitration and litigation. To study the evolving role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in infrastructure development, and how legal and regulatory frameworks can better support such collaborations. To explore policies that promote sustainable, inclusive, and resilient infrastructure projects while ensuring compliance with environmental and social governance standards. To promote the adoption of infrastructure laws that align with environmental sustainability and climate resilience goals To provide a platform for stakeholders to share best practices, case studies, and innovations in infrastructure development and its legal management.
Key Sessions and Thematic Discussions
Session 1: India’s Infrastructure: Status, Gaps, and Emerging Challenges
The current state of infrastructure in India. Challenges in Infrastructure Development. Urbanization and climate-resilient infrastructure. Sanitation and waste management: strengthening regulatory norms for sustainable cities.
Session 2: Affordable Housing and Equity
Affordable housing and equity: regulatory innovations for the marginalised communities. Gender inclusion in housing policy: women’s empowerment through housing ownership. Affordable housing as a tool for poverty alleviation and employment generation. Public-private partnerships in affordable housing development. Smart City Infrastructure: Aligning with PMAY for inclusive growth.
Session 3: Regulatory Mechanisms and Technological Innovations
Regulatory mechanisms and housing for all Legal and regulatory frameworks for green housing: ensuring sustainable growth The role of digital technologies in urban planning and housing development. Opportunities for growth and innovation.
Note: The sub-themes are only suggestive areas and are not exhaustive. Research papers that are not covered under the abovementioned sub-themes but have relevance in the thrust area of the conference may also be submitted.
Call for Papers
We invite original research papers from academicians, professionals, practitioners, researchers, students of law and allied social sciences, and other stakeholders on emerging issues and related areas on the broad sub-themes given above.
Submission Guidelines
For Abstract
The abstract should not exceed 300 words (inclusive of 4-5 keywords) and must be accompanied by a brief bio-note (in 60 words) of the author indicating his/her email ID, contact number, designation, and official address.
The abstract should be in the following format:
Times New Roman, Font Size 12 & Line spacing 1.5, justified. 1-inch margins on all four sides. Submissions are to be made in MS Word format only. The abstract must identify a research problem clearly to be discussed by the author in the full paper, and the particular theme of the conference associated with the paper. Please name your abstract file as follows: Full Name_abstract e.g., if the author’s name is John Doe, then the file name should be John Doe_abstract. The abstracts can be submitted through this link: https://forms.gle/WpzC6stEZd7aZkj96
For Full Paper
Selected abstracts shall be intimated separately along with a link for full paper submissions and payment of the registration fee. The word limit for a full research paper along with an abstract is 3000-5000 words (excluding footnotes), which must be submitted in MS Word format.
Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5, A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides. For citation, the author is required to follow the APA Formatting and Citation (7th Ed.). The final paper should mandatorily have the suggestions/recommendations made by the author(s). The language of submissions should preferably be English.
For Publication of Papers
Selected research papers may be published in an edited book by a reputable publisher with an ISBN. The authors willing to consider their paper for publication must submit a duly filled-in and scanned ‘DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBILITY & ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHT FORM’ to be provided with the communication of acceptance of the paper. The submitted papers shall be checked through a similarity software approved by the University. Any paper exceeding 10 % similarity shall be outrightly rejected. The submitted papers shall go through a blindfolded peer review process before selection for publication in an edited book with ISBN as per the University Policies. Selection for paper presentation does not entitle publication in the book.
Important Deadlines
Submission of abstract: 12th February 2025 Intimation of abstract acceptance: 17th February 2025 Registration Deadline: 20th February 2025 Submission of full paper: 20th February 2025 Date of Conference: 23th February, 2025
Registration and Fee
Please click the link given below to register:
Academicians and Professionals: Rs.1500/-Research Scholars and Students: Rs.800/- For participation without presentation: Rs.500/-
Co-authorship up to a maximum of two authors is allowed. In case co-authors from two different heads mentioned above respective registration fees shall be paid individually. Registration fee is payable only after the acceptance of the abstract. The registration fee does not include accommodation or meals, except for Lunch and High Tea provided during the conference. Accommodation on campus is available on a first-come, first-served basis for participants, subject to payment. The current accommodation rate is Rs.800 per day, which includes lodging only. Meals will be provided separately at prevailing mess rates. Early registration is encouraged to secure your stay.
Brochure: [Click here to view]
For further queries and information, please contact:
Email Id: [email protected].
Dr. Parvesh Kumar Rajput, Organising Secretary, Head, Centre for Infrastructure Law
Ph: 9555797248
Student Coordinators
Mr Ravi Sharma (Mob: 8285744702) Mr Harsh (Mob:8969459877)