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What is Deemed Conveyance?

What is Deemed

The Promoter
(Builder/ Developer) is legally required to convey the land and the building
within 4 months of formation to the society or any legal body of the flat
purchasers. However, it has been the experience that many promoters
(Builders/Developers) have not conveyed the land and building to the legal
bodies. Therefore, government has amended the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act,
1963 (MOFA) and provided for the deemed conveyance in favor of the legal
bodies. Under the provision, deemed conveyance means after the expiry of 4
months of formation of the legal body, the land and building is deemed to have
been conveyed to the legal body and to bring the same in the revenue record,
Competent Authority has been designated who will hear the parties on the basis
of applications received from the aggrieved party and transfers the title in
favor of the legal body by passing the necessary order and deemed conveyance
certificate and appoint an authorized officer to execute the conveyance deed in
favor of the society and execute on behalf of non-co-operative builder or the
land owner. Getting the title of land and building by adopting the above
procedure is known as deemed conveyance.

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