Stage 1-
Preparation for Deemed Conveyance
During this stage the Managing
Committee prepares the Members of the Co-
Operative Housing Society for Deemed
Conveyance by approving resolution in the
GBM if Builder/Promoter fails to convey
the land and building within prescribed
Stage 2-
Documentation for Deemed Conveyance
During this stage, once the Documents
required for Deemed Conveyance get
collected/ organized & thereafter
the Case/Application get prepared and submitted
to Dist. Dy. Registrar Office through
Legal Representative/Advocate.
Stage 3-
Legal Case for Deemed Conveyance
During this stage, once the case is
filed before the Competent Authority i.e. DDR,
hearings get started for both the
parties to the application i.e. Applicant &
Respondent by issuing summons/notices.
And after contesting the said matter, the
Order & Certificate of Deemed
Conveyance upholding the right of the Society will be
Stage 4-
Adjudication of Deemed Conveyance
During this stage, the Deemed
Conveyance get Adjudicated by the office of JDR,
Thane, with proper Stamp Duty,
Registration fee etc…
Stage 5-
Registration of Deemed Conveyance
During this stage, the adjudicated
& executed draft of Deemed Conveyance will get
registered in the office of
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